A lecture on Fashion in Western Countries
It is on Wednesday evening April 29,2015, after a thunderstorm. Over 150 students from different departments of Lijiang College, Guangxi Normal University areseated at Room 1414 and they are attending a lecture on Fashion in Western Countries from American teachers, David and Nancy. The lecture starts at 7:30pm, but still more students who have to borrow some chairs downstairs, want to come in. It is really a crowded room with a warm atmosphere.
Coming alongarising definition about Fashion, Nancy starts the Lecture. Most of the students at present immediately involve brainstorm about Fashion…..Fashion goes around in circle; Fashion is an imposition and etc.The students are getting excited gradually while some hot stuff is coming out in the fashion shows on Power Points. Then David introduces Paris Fashion Week, Susie Lau spots the most interesting looks on the catwalk in French capital, overstuffed with ideas; The Italian Fashion Week was full of fresh ideas- and a sense of fun. David’s catwalk makes the lecture come to a climax- Great Sense of Humor!
In addition to the lecture, Nancy provides eight Tips on footwear, which is very advisable to the college students. At last, there are some listening materials and handouts prepared for student better understanding about arguments on fashion between older and younger generations and so on.
The lecture ends at 9:00pm with a very attractive picture on screen “David and Nancy” a Model of Fashion! Whoa!!!